Anita Richards Designs | Digiscrap 1010 | What is Digital Scrapbooking?

Anita Richards Designs | Digiscrap 1010 | What is Digital Scrapbooking?

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Digital Scrapbooking, digiscrapping, is a relatively new form of traditional scrapbooking, now known amongst digiscrappers as paper scrapbooking, that first started surfacing as an organised hobby in the mid-1990’s. If you have been a paper scrapbooker or a while you may already have heard about digiscrapping. But if you have never scrapped before, or are still very new to scrapbooking, and you are here reading this post, then let’s take a quick look, together, at what digi’s all about…

What is Digital Scrapbooking?

#digiscrap-1010 #pinterest

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