What are the advantages of Digital over paper scrapbooking?

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Anita Richards Designs | Digiscrap 1010 | What are the advantages of Digital Scrapbooking?The question of what are the perceived advantages of Digital Scrapbooking over traditional or paper scrapbooking have been discussed in digiscrapping forums far and wide many times over the years. Some would argue that it was just Digiscrappers using cognitive dissonance to justify their stash of digi supplies and make themselves feel better about their purchases. NOT SO! Today, let’s examine the top 16 key differences between paper and Digital Scrapbooking.


With all due respect to paper scrapbooking in every way, shape and form, there are obviously some key differences between how Digital and Paper Scrapbooking are done.

Many scrapbookers, especially if they have transitioned from paper only scrapbooking to Digital, consider these differences as advantages and many former paper only scrapbookers embrace digital into their projects in a way known as hybrid … more on that later.

Anita Richards Designs | Digiscrap 1010 | What are the advantages of Digital Scrapbooking?Some of the perceived advantages that Digital Scrapbooking has over paper only scrapbooking include:

  • Ctrl+z in Photoshop® Elements (Ctrl+Alt+z in Photoshop® Creative Cloud) aka the UNDO command! Make a mistake or need to tweak something in your software? It’s not a problem! 8D
  • Minimal mess, no glue or sticky things and paper offcuts flying all around the house.
  • Safety around young children eg. scissors, paper trimmers, exacto knives and other paper cutting tools = ouchies.
  • Less space required for storage and work – laptops can be taken anywhere and a desktop pc and printer can easily be stored in a small murphy desk type workspace if living space is limited and in high demand.
  • All of your scrapbooking supplies are right on your computer making organising and cleaning up a piece of cake. Got a laptop? Change from the dining table to the coffee table in seconds.
  • Ctrl+s … Layouts can be saved progressively for completion later as needed, perfect when nap times are done.
  • Layouts can be created and worked on any where any time, even on your smart phone depending on which software/app you choose to use, no more boring trips to work.
  • SAVE MONEY! Kits are purchased and/or downloaded only once and may be used repeatedly … with paper scrapbooking, once you use something, it is gone.
  • Layouts and projects can be created once for multiple people eg. Christmas cards.
  • Templates (pre-designed but otherwise blank layouts) may be used to personalise pages for individual photobooks and albums, great for when the mojo well is running dry.
  • Layouts can be printed as many times as needed.
  • Many digital supplies can be printed and incorporated into paper projects.
  • Layouts can be burned to CD/DVD to view on screen making sharing memories with family and friends a cinch.
  • Layouts can be backed up for retrieval and even modification at a later date.
  • Photographs can be changed — they can fixed for exposure, saturation, contrast, luminance, as well as recoloured, desaturated, spot coloured as well as manipulated, blended and merged.
  • Resize everything! Photographs … embellishments … papers … journaling … the entire size of the layout … There are virtually no limits when it comes to size!


Layout: Eye Lashes

Eye Lashes

This is one of my favourite photographs of my older son’s eye lashes; he used to have all the young ladies commenting on how long they were when he was little. His lashes are still quite long and he still gets noticed but the young ladies don’t necessarily tell him any more now that he’s a young man.

That being said, this page was created as part of an exercise that I did for a guest designer spot on a website many years ago.

Basically, I was challenged to create six unique layouts all from the same kit.

Normally, I direct my drop shadows on the page from the top left corner. However, in this photo, the angle of the sun was from the top right, so I modified my style accordingly. Also for this page, I decided to go minimalist to keep the emphasis on my son’s eye lashes.

Heart Flower Finial Upwards

Products: Signeteur Collection (to be remastered) | Teensy Weensy Bows: Embellishments Set


So there we have it in a nut shell, the top 16 list of advantages and key differences that you can arm yourself with when anyone questions your choice to digiscrap instead of using paper scrapbooking supplies exclusively. Admittedly, I never really got into paper scrapbooking for a variety of reasons, the main one being that I thought my paper pages totally sucked. Conversely, I think that my digital pages totally rock!

Be that as it may, to help you get started I’ve thrown together a little free gift for you to download. The tiny bow that you see in the layout above I’ve recoloured into a set so that you can use them on your own pages.


Freebie Download ~ Coming Soon




Heart Flower Finial Downwards


Do you have any other advantages or key differences to add to this list?
Something funny that happened to you that convinced you digiscrapping is the way for you?
I would love to hear from you ~ post a comment.

This post is part of our Learn Digital Scrapbooking FAQ Series, the complete index for which can be found on the Learn Digital Scrapbooking: Start Here with the FAQs page.



Anita Richards Designs | Digiscrap 1010 | What are the advantages of Digital Scrapbooking?
The question of what the perceived advantages of Digital Scrapbooking over traditional or paper scrapbooking have been discussed in digiscrapping forums far and wide many times over the years. Today’s blog examines the key differences.

Anita Richards Designs | Digiscrap 1010 | What are the advantages of Digital Scrapbooking?

Anita Richards Designs | Digiscrap 1010 | What are the advantages of Digital Scrapbooking?

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