Backing up: Why should I do it? What is the best method?

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I can tell you from hard earned experience that losing all your files and photos sucks. BIG TIME! That happened to me in 2014. First I lost my EHD with everything on it because I accidentally forgot to remove the dust cover that, ironically, was there to protect it; it overheated and just fried. Then, just a few weeks later, my computer hard drive went kaput with rage … ahem … … I mean age! There was rage involved afterwards. Luckily, I had at least managed to back up flattened full size copies of my layouts and most of my high resolution photographs in the cloud. However, over 9 years of digital scrapbooking design files, layered digiscrapped layout files and most of my other documents were lost. In this FAQ post in our Learn Digital Scrapbooking series we consider why should do backups and the the best method of doing it.



Why You Should be Backing Up

Rather than laboriously reinvent the wheel on the why of this one, there are numerous articles on the internet about why you should have a system for backing up; they all have the same bottom line:

Heart Flower Finial Upwards

Bottom Line:
Don’t question
why you need to back up.
Just do it!

Heart Flower Finial Downwards

The truly pressing question is: “What back up method is the best for Digital Scrapbookers?”



~~~ Full Tutorial Coming Soon ~~~



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