Next Designer 2020: Audition Time!

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Starting up as a designer again, pretty much from scratch, has been a daunting experience at times. Apart from the admin side of things and re-learning how to write rich content blog posts for this new website, mostly I have struggled with re-establishing workflows.

That is about to change; there is a special designer contest called Next Designer 2020 being run at that I am putting my hat into the ring for.

It has been years since I participated in a designer challenge or contest and I am eagerly anticipating and looking forward to the challenges over the course of the contest.

In fact I’m sooooooooo super excited about the contest that I have been working like I’ve a bee in my bonnet to get the audition kit preview finalised.

Here’s what I came up with …

Download | Next Designer 2020 | Audition Preview
Next Designer 2020 Contest Entry | Just Me Petite Collection

My entry for the Next Designer 2020 Audition

Really I am quite chuffed with how it has come together … I kind of kept things to a simple colour palette but one that is totally me. Purple has always been a favourite colour and I decided to push myself by teaming it with a dark yellow tinged orange!


Crawling - A Digital Scrapbook Layout forever recording the moment that my younger son mastered crawling.
Digital Scrapbook Layout: Crawling


The set of photographs that inspired me to create a page with this mini kit actually date back to October 2005.

Would you believe that originally these photos were taken on video tape using an old video camera that I then grabbed captures to the SD card? Yup! … those were the good ole days before I bought my Pentax iST dSLR.

I scrapped these pics once before using a Dani Mogstad kit (Design by Dani) way back then, but I always felt as though I could do better with my page.

So … Taaah Daaah!

Journaling reads:
“Taran, you were a little longer than some babies with learning how to crawl. But all it took was a bunch of Christmas baubles on the floor to get you going! You were so ready the day you learned to crawl!”

Heart Flower Finial Downwards


Eagerly anticipating and thoroughly looking forward to the upcoming challenges.

Please make sure that you take a look at and leave some love on all the entries by the other contestants as they pop up over at the Next Designer 2020 Gallery too.



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