sketchPLATE Saturday 0007

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It almost feels as though August pounced upon us yesterday and yet it is, incredibly and for all intents and purposes, over. Which leads us directly to another sketchPLATE Saturday. Time for a brand new, completely unique digital scrapbooking template!

In many ways, the sketchPLATE for August is all about that glitter! I adore glitter! and am thankful every time that I use it on one of my layouts that I use digital scrapbooking glitter and not the real stuff. Although I must confess that I love the real stuff too because, well, glitter is gorgeous and sparkly and awesome and jazzy, but sadly it always makes too much of a mess.

After last month’s doilies I decided to create another mini, a circular one this time, adding a few more refinements to the overall design. Liking these little pretties more and more.

In this month’s penciled sketch page I focused on combining round doilies with flowers and large leaf sprays backed with a bunch of white grunge and stamped elements. The overall look is a little cleaner than my previous penciled sketches … a work in progress though.

The original art journal penciling concept of sketchPLATE 0007


Interestingly this ended up being another All About Me page … that’s two now within the space of a single week! Again this layout took me hours to complete … and again I’m chalking that up to the fact that I was designing a whole bunch of elements on the fly which was loads of fun to be honest.

Apart from the file strip backing the date on this page (from the Just Me Petite Collection, slightly modified), everything here on this layout is new and original, eventually to become items in a new collection coming soon. So here we go, the page that was aborn:

The finished layout, titled Precious Princess, that provided the creative structure of sketchPLATE 0007

Precious Princess

Creating this page after starting with a randomly hand drawn sketch to get started was a fascinating journey down memory lane. I tried to incorporate a Slavic naïve artsy type feel to the page with the hearts on the doilies and the page has resulted in sketchPLATE No.0007.

This photo holds a very special place in my heart as the little feet on the side of the photo belonged to my little brother. Despite being a mere 18 months old at the time, I actually remember sitting for my mother to take this photo which was shot on black and white film.

The photo, of course, being a vintage black and white one, was the main inspiration for going with a monotone style, adding just a hint of a pop of spot colour in the embellishment choices to breathe some character into the page.

The overall flow of the page is a visual triangle, with an emphasis on the photo as the main focal point. The two element clusters add a strong yet feminine characteristic softened out with the white grunge stamping and colour smudging in the background, thus laying the foundations for this month’s sketchPLATE offering.

Presenting sketchPLATE 0007!

A preview page displaying the sketchPLATE 0007 product


As shown in the preview, this sketchPLATE also includes a bonus alphabet set composed of glittered uppercase letters. The layered template also comes with custom warped shadowing for the leaves and leaf sprays. The layered .TIF and .PSD have basic drop shadows applied ready for you to customise as applied to the mini doilies. Overall the template also comes packaged with the background grunge, the glittered photo frame and glitter ink princess stamp.

From a designing perspective, I have again achieved a whole ‘nother learning experience … always a good thing … and the new Collection that is a work in progress behind the scenes right now will features the new goodies.

The more of these exercises I complete now, the more I am liking the process. The drunk chicken scrawls are becoming more refined and the eraser marks are becoming fewer.

The fully packaged design shop product preview of sketchPLATE 0007


Ok, enough of the back story … FREEbie downloads for this sketchPLATE are now available through the Design Shop. To grab your free copy please use the coupon code sP007freebie during checkout (there’s a screen display glitch, you won’t be charged the GST if you’re not in Australia, keep clicking all the way through, more…), valid until Friday 11 September 2020.

coupon sketchPLATE 0007


So, what are you waiting for? Go on. Go get it now!

Finito! Remember to add a tag (@anitarichardsdesigns) in your credits on Facebook or Instagram if you post your finished page online so that I may check it out and leave some digi love for you.

Lastly, and certainly not leastly, thank you! Thank you for participating in today’s sketchPLATE Saturday, part of our ongoing Digital Scrapbooking Projects & Inspiration series. The complete index for previous sketchPLATE Saturday Projects can be found on the sketchPLATE Saturdays home page.


See sketchPLATE 0007 and follow our boards on Pinterest.


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