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Sometimes it feels as though the world has just gone completely mad … maybe it’s because it’s 2020, and we all know what madness that means! Then again, maybe it’s because I have started spending a little time on Twitter lately.
Maybe a little too much time.
Hanging out online on Twitter was something that just kind of developed of it’s own volition, mostly as a result of not knowing what to do next in the fear-panic-react-repeat of the virus which must not be named of the year which must not be named either …
Well, that’s my “official” excuse anyway when I know that I should be working on the Learn Digital Scrapbooking tutorial series or designing some cool new stuff to launch in the Design Shop or creating an incredible new layout!
I tested Twitter out a number of years ago and just couldn’t get into it; too many angry and aggressive people and I didn’t really understand the whole tweet, reply, retweet thing anyway. To be honest I felt more than a little intimidated by that place and by those mean people and ran!
Somehow, though, this time around, I have managed to keep my skin intact and even let loose with a few well chosen volleys of my own.
Maybe I look like a fool, maybe I don’t. *shrugs*
What I know for sure is that I am kind of liking that I can at least keep partially up to date with current issues of topical interest and even a little on some of the ones at the centre of some highly contentious, scorchingly heated debates.
With Twitter I am now kind of finding the middle ground on positive design focused participation and keeping myself somewhat more aloof and business only. Keeping my cuss words in check is the real challenge some days, I’m actually not one who likes swearing per se but I also won’t hold back if a few “well” chosen words can cut through a whole heap of other words and convey the true depth of how I’m feeling.
After weathering the storms that I’ve been forced to endure the last few years I am being kind with myself if a few naughty words come out that I really rather didn’t … working on reclaiming my balance, dignity and decorum.
All of which brings me square up to the reason for this post, namely that I have just signed up with Bloglovin’. I have sorely missed the days of yore when I would check in on my favourite bloggers and engage with them on their latest news, layouts, designs and projects. And when I say I have missed it, I mean I have REALLY missed it.
Facebook and social media generally is just not the same kinda animal as a blog!
Be that as it may, I just figured that it would be better to start doing that again rather than getting caught up in the latest slanging match about … fill in the blank … on Twitter!
So if you’re of a mind and you’re on Bloglovin’ please follow my blog too over there.
Now I have to figure out how to use Bloglovin’ … I did say somewhere that I have a lifelong love of learning, right!?
Bye for now!