Newsletter Alert & Status Update

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Newsletter subscribers would have received the latest issue of The Blank Canvas this morning, showcasing sketchPLATE 0010.

However, I was up super later last night working on getting everything finished ready for downloads and I clean forgot to say:

EXISITING CUSTOMERS: please re-register your account. The old customer database has been uninstalled and old account login details no longer function.

If you haven’t received an email, please subscribe now … there’s a little FREEbie waiting for you.

Still steadily working my way through existing posts and images, and optimising everything along the way, getting close to completion. I just discovered an automation tool that is making the job a lot faster. Yay for technology!

Fingers crossed for the shop reopening on Monday. Please let me know immediately if you hit any snags in the cart checkout process.

Brand new kits coming soon … just in time for Valentine’s Day.

Love to you all.