sketchPLATE Saturday 0004

Anita Richards Designs | Featured Image | sketchPLATE Saturday 0004

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Happy Saturday morning everyone and welcome back to another installment of sketchPLATE Saturday!

For today’s sketchPLATE I decided to create a birthday themed page in honour of my Logan’s birthday.

Logan is my miracle child having been born 15 weeks prematurely, so his birthdays are a very big deal for me every year … every day actually … but especially on his birthday.

I’ve tried to keep the colour scheme soft with emphasis on baby blues and whites with some touches of glitter and a couple of pops of yellow-orange-red … and … because the photos showcase my son blowing out his birthday candles I opted to vertically align a stacked series of time-lapsed shots that have been 100% desaturated to simplify and reduce the busy-ness of the background in the pics.

Overall, softly fun, yet the page retains it quite suitably masculine aesthetic, one that is easily transformable into a feminine version with the right background paper.


Digital Scrapbook Layout: Birthday Wishes

Birthday Wishes

Birthdays are always a big deal for me with my sons.

In 2018 my children and I were travelling around Australia on what I like to refer to as our Great Australian Road Trip. After we left Canberra, I especially took my family to Sydney so that we could celebrate my Logan’s birthday, in style as they say, at an AirBnB rather than at a camp ground. The family that we stayed with were wonderfully kind and put on a simple and yet completely beautiful traditionally inspired Japanese evening meal for my son. It was just amazing and so special because it was completely unexpected.

We all shared the birthday cake that I had arranged for Logan’s birthday, along with a bottle of non-alcoholic Prosecco style sparkling red … as is our family tradition … and all together we cheered as you he out his birthday candles and made his wishes.

Precious memories.

As always, there are three options for this sketchPLATE:

  • the first .ZIP file has the .TIF file only;
  • the second .ZIP has the .PSD file only;
  • the third .ZIP has the separated .PNGs only.

The choice to download just the one or to download them all is yours.

So then … Voila! Please enjoy this week’s sketchPLATE with my compliments …

Preview: sketchPLATE 0004

Edited 28 July 2020: FREEbie downloads of this template are now finished.
However, please feel free to purchase it in the Design Shop today.


If you could share what you come up with I would sincerely love that, so please post a comment with a link to your layout on Facebook or Instagram.

Lastly, and certainly not leastly, thank you! Thank you for participating in today’s sketchPLATE Saturday, part of our ongoing Digital Scrapbooking Projects & Inspiration series. The complete index for previous sketchPLATE Saturday Projects can be found on the sketchPLATE Saturdays home page.


sketchPLATE Saturday 0002

Anita Richards Designs | Featured Image | sketchPLATE Saturday 0003

This post may contain links through which we may earn a commission. #ad

Happy sketchPLATE Saturday everyone!

This week is a #staycation celebration of Easter for many folks around the world so I thought that I would give you a calorie and guilt free virtual Easter basket full of goodies.

This super luscious digiscrapping treat spoils you with not only a sketchPLATE but also a scrapSNAP as well as an entire collection of three dozen glittered Easter eggs in both large and small egg sizes!

I had the best time designing this set but I would like to caution you … I played with the colours of the glitters and the greens in particular for hours and hours. I was just NOT happy with the so called “In Gamut” colours.

Therefore I have retained the full sRGB colour profiles and recommend that you thoroughly check your printer capabilities before printing to ensure that you understand that the appearance of this set’s screen display and the print version WILL differ … as is the case with pretty much every digital image when printed, but this one is definitely designed with screen display as the main focus, not print.


Thus we have a three photo sketchPLATE as well as the scrapSNAP for you to enjoy this week.



There are five download options for this week’s sketchPLATE Easter Special:

  • the first .ZIP file has the .TIF file only;
  • the second .ZIP has the .PSD file only;
  • the third .ZIP has the separated .PNGs only;
  • the fourth .ZIP has the scrapSNAP only;
  • the fifth .ZIP has the Easter 2020 Glittered Easter Eggs only.

Download just what you need or download them all, the choice is yours.

With much love, light and brightest blessings, please enjoy this week’s sketchPLATE Easter Special …


Preview: sketchPLATE 0002

Edited 28 July 2020:
FREEbie downloads of this sketchPLATE are now finished.
However, please feel free to purchase it in the Design Shop today.


Edited 28 July 2020:
FREEbie downloads of this scrapSNAP are now finished.
However, please feel free to purchase it in the Design Shop today.


Edited 28 July 2020:
FREEbie downloads of this Glittered Easter Egg set are now finished.
However, please feel free to purchase it in the Design Shop today.

Already used this set in a layout? Link me up to your layout on Facebook or Instagram so that I may see it too by tagging the credits with @anitarichardsdesigns. I will go look and leave some digi love especially for you!

Lastly, and certainly not leastly, thank you! Thank you for participating in today’s sketchPLATE Saturday, part of our ongoing Digital Scrapbooking Projects & Inspiration series. The complete index for previous sketchPLATE Saturday Projects can be found on the sketchPLATE Saturdays home page.
