sketchPLATE Saturday 0001

sketchPLATE Saturday Show: Episode 0001 Transcript and Resources page cover image.

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Welcome to the all new sketchPLATE Saturdays!

It’s been far too many years and funnily enough, I really missed creating these little beasties!



A Sweet and Simple Template

Sweet and simple with this first one; I tried to keep things a little more minimalist within the scope of a full page photo background with blended overlay and a dynamic black and white >< colour interplay between two photos.


The Photos that Inspired the Layout

Layout: Kayaking the Franklin River

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Kayaking the Franklin River

This was a morning of major significance as it marked the second day that we were on the road at the very beginning of our Great Australian Road Trip.

The day before we had explored Albany and the boys realised that they actually enjoyed being tourists although we were all rather uncomfortable as we had very little in the way of camping gear with us apart from some sleeping bags.

The raw file of the background photograph is nowhere near as spectacular as it appears here, but I was inspired to crank up the saturation and light levels after seeing the automatically generated Google® version … the addition of a paint stroke saturation overlay angled across the page added emphasis to the light of the sun rising reflecting from the water, of the new day, new beginnings, which is exactly what was happening for us as a family.

Desaturating the photograph of my sons as they were kayaking adds non-competitive differentiation between the focal points of the page and the use of minimalist elements keeps things calm in keeping with the calm feeling of peace emanating from the background photo.

The large photo dominating the background is to set the overall scene for the page. Then the smaller feature photograph, 100% desaturated to black and white in the instant photo frame, is used to give special focus to the subjects, aka the specific people who are the inspiration that prompted me to create the page.


As an aside: My sons used to have a kayak each that they both loved to paddle in the marina waters down at the “Kayak Beach” as we used to call it. They have both well and truly outgrown those kid’s sized kayaks and now we need adult size versions. These kayaks are on our family Wishlist.


Christmas Gift Ideas: Kayaks & Water Sports
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. #ad

Bay Sports Powered Blue and Black Camo Fishing Kayak Oru Kayak BayST Folding Portable Lightweight White Kayak Bay Sports Powered Jungle Green Camo Fishing Kayak

Not quite what you are looking for?
See more Kayaks & Water Sports gift ideas on Amazon.

Heart Flower Finial Downwards


What is in the Download?

There are three download options for this sketchPLATE:

  • the first .ZIP file has the .TIF file only;
  • the second .ZIP has the .PSD file only;
  • the third .ZIP has the separated .PNGs only.

Download just what you need or download them all, the choice is yours.

So, without any further ado, here ’tis …


Preview: sketchPLATE 0001

Edited 28 July 2020: FREEbie downloads of this template are now finished.
However, please feel free to purchase it in the Design Shop today.


The sketchPLATE Saturday Show

See the Show Notes for the transcript and resources list.

Heart Flower Finial Downwards


If you publish your layouts on social media, please let me know.  Share the link to your layout on Facebook or Instagram, tag me in the credits @anitarichardsdesigns, and I promise that I will take a look.

Lastly, and certainly not leastly, thank you! Thank you for participating in today’s sketchPLATE Saturday, part of our ongoing Digital Scrapbooking Projects & Inspiration series. The complete index for previous sketchPLATE Saturday Projects can be found on the sketchPLATE Saturdays home page.
