Beachcomber ~ IDSD iNSD Blog Hop May 2023

23 May, 2023, Edited to add: Thank you for visiting today! Sadly, this Blog Hop ended on 20 May, 2023. Stay tuned for the next one! 

Welcome to my humble space here in the digiscrapVERSE. My name is Anita, your designer here for this stop in the Blog Hop today. Today, here at ARD, we actually have quite a lot happening: we have the Blog Hop, we are celebrating interNational Scrapbooking Day, aaaand here in Australia we are celebrating the Coronation of the new King of Australia, King Charles III. Peace out. If you are following along with all the sites participating in the Blog Hop, you will have come here from the Connection Keeping blog. This means that your next stop will be at the Rosy Cheek Designs blog. If you are unsure that you have already visited all the previous stops along the path, please refer to the entire blog list, available on the Independent Digital Scrapbooking Designers Guild website. Today it is a very great pleasure to offer you one special freebie to give you a little dose of good vibes digiscrapisfaction. Read on to discover how to receive the tiny treasure trove awaiting you today.


We Are A Family … Beachcomber in Action

The Beachcomber Mini Collection was such a joy to create and I added a whole bunch of elements (come back later to buy them in the shop ) as I was scrapping this page, that I have titled We Are A Family, of my sons and I taken during the first few months of what I like to refer to as our Great Australian Road Trip. Beautiful!

Heart Flower Finial Downwards

Relax. Breath. Restore Yourself. Go Beachcombing!

The Beachcomber Mini Collection brings your special memories of celebrations with good food, well loved family and close friends to luscious life, in sparkling style, with this digital scrapbook kit. Heritage scrapbooking and modern themes are equally well served by the modest smorgasboard of elements and papers … a visual feast of eye candy with zero calories, guaranteed to ensure guilt free satisfaction!

So here it is for today, I proudly present the Beachcomber Mini Collection for the IDSD Blog Hop, available right here in our Design Shop. This beautiful collection of art is available as a free gift for until 20 May 2023:

  1. On the product page, simply add the kit to your shopping cart;
  2. Login to your store account or register and verify your email address if you are a new customer; and,
  3. Apply coupon code BHmay2023 and checkout.

That is all for today. I hope that you are able to fully enjoy this Blog Hop and hope to see you again soon.

I would love to see what you come up with so please tag your layout credits with @anitarichardsdesigns on either Facebook or Instagram. I will go take a squizzie and leave some love for you.




Technical Support / Store Account Security

In order to protect our customers, we have several layers of security built into this website’s architecture. Our security measures include double opt-in verification on store accounts (and newsletter subscriptions) as well as optional Two Factor Authentication (2FA) on store accounts.

NB: When registering a new account in our Design Shop you must verify your email address by clicking the link sent to you via email message. You will not be able to download purchases until your account has been verified.

Please check your email and click the verify link in the message sent to you to ensure that your account is properly authenticated. If you cannot see the message in your inbox within ten (10) minutes, please also check your Junk / SPAM folder just in case the message has been accidentally shunted there.

If the account verification message has been accidentally shunted into Junk or SPAM please add our email address to your email whitelist so that you do not encounter future issues receiving email from us. We have zero control over your email service provider so please also ensure that you add our email address to your whitelist / contacts: *atanitarichardsdotcomdotau (leave the * in place and replace the words dot with . and the word at with @)

The security system is highly sensitive; four (4) attempts at accessing unverified accounts automatically triggers a 60 minute lockout.

The cart software is also integrated with an optional Two Factor Authentication system so that you may have peace of mind knowing that your personal information is secure with us if you choose to activate 2FA on your account.

Please reach out to us via the Trouble Shooting page if you encounter any difficulties.

Thank you ~ happy shopping.


Blog Hop Road Map

#indiedigiscrapdesigners @indiedigiscrapdesigners
Full List: Independent Digital Scrapbooking Designers Guild

Connection Keeping

YOU ARE HERE >> Anita Richards Designs

Rosy Cheek Designs

Trace Elements Art

J. Conlon and Sons

Syncopation Designs