wednesdayWISDOM: discipline keeps you going

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Welcome back to wednesdayWISDOM, a series of inspiration pieces to help you get some digiscrapping moxie on during this #SocialDistancing phase of our lives.

First though, I would like to take a moment to remember my Mother who passed away on this day 19 years ago. I still miss you with all my heart Mum.

This week’s quote is one from Jim Rohn, a well known inspirational speaker and thought leader of last century who left behind quite a legacy of work:

Dreams get you started.
keeps you going.
~ Jim Rohn




When I was learning about Rohn and his life’s work it was interesting to see the roll of eminent inspirational leaders that he taught and worked with who are still very active today.

In particular Tony Robbins and Jack Canfield stand out for me personally from the ranks of Rohn’s protégés … with what’s happening in the world right now, I think that we can all use a good serve of Chicken Soup for the Soul right about now!

The quote that we are looking at today is both simple and profound. For me, the message is simply that the dream is the spark that ignites the effort but the effort will peter out and die unless there is a strength of purpose and determination to keep going.

How apropos!

Today of all days I need this reminder!!!

There has been a minor car-tastrophe in the nature of an equipment dysfunction: the bloody solar panel on my vehicle has not been charging my batteries enough because of the changed angle of the sun and now my battery system is seriously depleted!

The result of this, right this moment, I have extreme limits on capacity to run my laptop and so my work time in photoshop yesterday and today has been axed down to a bare minimum to allow the system time to recharge.

Still … keeping … on … going … step … after … faltering … step!

This minor car-tastophe has reminded me of an old colleague who used to always have the attitude of “there are no problems, only solution opportunities”.

That mindset has stuck with me like glue over the years.

The positive spin: this has made me rethink how I am using the limited electrical resources that I have at my disposal right now … and … I’m actually planning a digital layout by doing a hand drawn sketch first!

Who woulda guessed that would have ever happened!

I am also put in mind of one of my designing mentors from the early days of when I started the designing gig. Her zentangle art has always inspired me; she taught me a formula for success in the arts that contains three key ingredients:

Talent ~ Tenacity ~ Technique

THAT also has always stuck with me!

Discipline to continue creating against all odds.

And then my #1 Girl Crush author posted a link to her thoughts On Writing. Wow!

Over the years I have very reluctantly stepped back and even pulled out of designing … several times even. I have always come back to it though; it must be in my blood as they say.

So …

Lesson learned: I love what I do and I do what I love, so I need to stick with it!

So pulling my thoughts together, what is my inner dialogue today about discipline?

I’m still here. I’m ok. No one died … always a good thing! The bloody solar panel IS working and I learned something new about how to use it properly. I am still working and I have learned another way how to work smarter within my overarching design work flows.

Right now, this minute I haven’t yet started the layout inspired by Rohn’s words … but … after drafting the sketch, I see it in vivid mind’s eye colour, I just need the electricity to create it.

So, from now onwards and forever more I promise myself that if I start to waver in my resolve to achieve my dream due to some type of impediment, all I need do is step back, sleep on it and look for the solution tomorrow.


Digital Scrapbook Layout: The Great Cartastrophe of 2020
Digital Scrapbook Layout: The Great Cartastrophe of 2020



Dhoh! Solar panels! Who needs the ruddy things anyways!?!

Heart Flower Finial Upwards

As a digital artisan the drive to transcend the tangible is a bright light for inspiration to spring forth. I hope that you also can gain insight and deeper self-knowledge in your own unique way from this quote challenge.

Preview: wednesdayWISDOM 006

Updated 20 April 2021:
FREEbie downloads of this set are now finished. Thank you for your interest.


What is your response to this quote from Jim Rohn? How does it make you feel? What thoughts are triggered when you read these words? I would love to know! Please post a comment here with a link to your layout, wherever it may be located, or send me a private message.

This post is part of our wednesdayWISDOM Quote Inspiration Series, the complete index for which can be found on the wednesdayWISDOM home page.




  • All the quotes used have been sourced from the free online compendium of quotations at with gratitude.

Related Posts:

This #quote got me thinking about how I handle obstacles, how I keep myself disciplined. Visit the blog and let me know what thoughts are prompted by Rohn’s words.⁠⁠

wednesdayWISDOM: what you whisper to yourself

Anita Richards Designs | Featured Image | wednesdayWISDOM 002

This post may contain links through which we may earn a commission. #ad

Welcome back to wednesdayWISDOM, a series of inspiration pieces to help you get your scrapping mojo on during this #SocialDistancing phase of our lives.

This week’s quote is one from Robert Kiyosaki who’s Rich Dad Poor Dad books kind of sent my life into a whirl wind in the late 1990’s:

It’s not what you say out of your mouth
that determines your life, it’s what you
whisper to yourself that has the most power.
~ Robert Kiyosaki



Now before we go any further, Robert Kiyosaki has come under a LOT of criticism over the years, endured business failures and tends to the right of the spectrum in regards to business and political leanings. Does this mean that everything he says is to be summarily dismissed? or can we find some kernel of truth within his words nonetheless?

As a left leaning person I always try, sometimes failing dismally, to reflect on what people say.

This next bit is very real and very raw: Unfortunately over the last few years I became increasingly more reactive as my family unit was attacked and my children’s lives were threatened. My reactivity escalated the most after being assaulted multiple times in 2018.

Sometimes lately I have been catching myself in a very negative frame of mind. The fact that I am reflecting on my reactions at least helps me to understand that a lot of the reaction is NOT the true me; what is happening is a Post Traumatic Stress Response.

Right now with the Australia-wide lockdown to manage the pandemic I am finding myself in shock at the behaviour of many people, angered that there are so many who believe they know better than the experts about whether or not it is safe to continue to go about their lives as if nothing is wrong and frequent places and participate in activities that are currently locked down and restricted as part of the global efforts to save people’s lives. If this thing is not contained the experts are telling us that potentially 40 million people will die, mostly the elderly and people with complicated health conditions.

To all those who are ignoring the WHO and their Governments: “thank you very much” for choosing to treat the safety of everyone around you, including your own extended families, with contempt.

So reading Kiyosaki’s words … … I am challenged to the core.

What is my inner dialogue? Am I being true to myself? Am I allowing myself to be victimised? Am I allowing the past helplessness that I felt dictate my present and future? How am I managing my reactions to current events? How can I support and aid my fellow human beings?

Most importantly: How can I personally do better?

To say that I have very complicated feelings about everything is an understatement. …

Be that as it may, in the layout I created today I chose to focus on a few abstracted images representing real things that I love and am grateful for; I am enough. I am perfectly imperfect and any negativity within me I can transmute into a gift to be used as the litmus test for positive thinking.

This morning (as I draft this post on Friday 27 March 2020) Tony Robbins posted on LinkedIN that “Positive thinking improves resilience and silences your fear of failure.”

Working on re-framing myself into a position of positive thinking and personal power.

From now on every time I start to doubt my abilities as a designer all I need do is remind myself of the simple truth that Walt Disney DIDN’T give up either!

The resulting layout is kind of a representation of symbolic things that are important to me and so I used the Krafty Chic Petite Collection and The Best Things Collection (this was a Blog Train FREEbie that I lost in a computer armageddon - if you have a copy of the entire mini kit please let me know!) to get started and then created a couple of custom pieces for the page.


Digital Scrapbook Layout: Enough


I created this layout after reflecting on the wednesdayWISDOM quote from Robert Kiyosaki: “It’s not what you say out of your mouth that determines your life, it’s what you whisper to yourself that has the most power.”

What is my inner dialogue? Am I being true to myself? Am I allowing myself to be victimised? Am I allowing the past helplessness that I felt dictate my present and future? How am I managing my reactions to current events? How can I support and aid my fellow human beings?

Most importantly: How can I personally do better?

I chose to use one very special photo in particular on this page, one of my sons and I as we stood on the banks of Lake Wellington in Melbourne during a pink algal bloom. This was a special time for us as we traveled our Great Australian Road Trip.

The water in the lake was absolutely gorgeous although it stank like rotten eggs. Apparently, the algae is able to be mined as it is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Who would have known just by looking at it?

Additionally, I chose to focus on a few abstracted images representing real things that I love and am grateful for; I am enough. I am perfectly imperfect.


Heart Flower Finial Downwards


As an artist, I make special efforts to challenge myself every step of my journey in life and I hope that you also can find deeper self-knowledge in your own unique way from this challenge. And so, as a thank you for visiting today, I have thrown together this little FREEbie with a few of the pieces from the layout above.


Preview: wednesdayWISDOM 002

Updated 20 April 2021:
FREEbie downloads of this set are now finished. Thank you for your interest.

What is your response to this quote from Robert Kiyosaki? How does it make you feel? What thoughts are triggered when you read these words? I would love to know! Please post a comment here with a link to your layout on Facebook or LinkedIN.


This post is part of our wednesdayWISDOM Quote Inspiration Series, the complete index for which can be found on the wednesdayWISDOM home page.




  • All the quotes used have been sourced from the free online compendium of quotations at with gratitude.

Related Posts:

This #quote got me reflecting deeply on my inner dialogue. Visit the blog and let me know what thoughts are prompted by Kiyosaki’s words.

wednesdayWISDOM Scrapbooking Inspiration: before the rest of the world

Anita Richards Designs | Featured Image | wednesdayWISDOM 001

This post may contain links through which we may earn a commission. #ad

Welcome to the first post in wednesdayWISDOM, a series of scrapbooking inspiration pieces to help you get your digiscrappin’ mojo on.

To start the ball rolling I have chosen an Oscar Wilde quote:

A dreamer is one who can only find
his way by moonlight, and his punishment
is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.
~ Oscar Wilde


wednesdayWISDOM scrapbooking inspiration Oscar Wilde quote


This quote has deep meaning in my life at this time, providing scrapbooking inspiration for my latest digital layout.

Each morning I wake to the sound of people busy working to maintain the parks and the beaches where I am staying and I am filled with gratitude for all that they do.

This quote brings to mind all people who do their work during the night, inspiring me to create a digital scrapbook layout about dawn. Reflecting upon this quote, and using the Krafty Chic Petite Collection, I was inspired to take the photo of the beach depot at dawn and to create this layout.

Reflecting upon this quote, and using the Krafty Chic Petite Collection, I was inspired to take the photo of the beach depot at dawn and to create this layout.


wednesdayWISDOM Digital Scrapbook Layout: Dawn


From my personal journal on 12 March 2020:
Today I am thankful for all those who do their work whilst we are sleeping.
When I woke this morning the sun had not yet risen and for the hundredth time (at least!) I was appreciative of the man who runs the tractor each day.
Today was different though. It finally “dawned” on me that there are countless people who do their work in this world, all around us, whilst we are sleeping.
Many of them are directly involved in keeping us safe.
Many in keeping us alive and healing us when we are sick.
Many of them hold our hands as we leave this world.
This morning’s sky was an amazing tribute of colour to all these people who do their work while we sleep.

Heart Flower Finial Downwards


That in turn led to two sun and sunrise inspired element pieces that I threw together into a little FREEbie for you.


Preview: wednesdayWISDOM scrapbooking inspiration complimentary digital kit

Updated 20 April 2021:
FREEbie downloads of this set are now finished. Thank you for your interest.

What is your response to this quote from Oscar Wilde? How does it make you feel? What thoughts are triggered when you read these words? I would love to know! Please post a comment here with a link to your layout, wherever it may be located, or send me a private message.


This post is part of our wednesdayWISDOM Quote Inspiration Series, the complete index for which can be found on the wednesdayWISDOM home page.




  • All the quotes used have been sourced from the free online compendium of quotations at with gratitude.

Related Posts:

wednesdayWISDOM scrapbooking inspiration prompt: Oscar Wilde quote “before the rest of the world”
This #quote has deep meaning in my life at this time; it brings to mind all the people who work during the night. Visit the blog and let me know what thoughts are prompted by Wilde’s words.